Every year thousands of tourist visit the Maasai Mara game reserve to experience her wildlife and the beautiful savannah plains of the Mara.


The Elephant Family

They come in large numbers with the Male protectively leading the heard. One can experience large numbers of elephants in the morning and evening drives.More elephants

Memorable Games Drives!

The Masai Mara Mara game reserve is home to the big 5 ’s:-  Lions, Buffaloes, Rhinos, Leopards and Elephants.

Buffallos were everywhere !!!!!

Buffaloes were everywhere !!!!!


Sleeping under the hot sun.

Sleeping under the hot sun.

Budget activities Masaai Mara Game Reserve

Beauty of Picnic

A picnic lunch with the Wildlife

Your guide will pick out a safe location for you to have your lunch as you continue with the search of big five and other wildlife of the Mara.

Jumping high -morans

A cultural Visit to the Manyatta’s (Homesteads)

This is always a favourite for me.   One gets to feel and understand how the Masaai Community live, their culture, their beliefs. The highlight is enjoying a dance with the morans.

The Sunset was spectacular

Maasai Village

A Maasai Village, Notice the manyatta’s built by women



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